Fascinating Europe provides unlimited picturesque corners with breathtaking views. As you move deeper to the east you can find more exhilarating spots of sleepy creation advancing at an impressively slow pace.
Due to Holiness's unique location at the heart of Eastern Europe, the whole hotel is designed in a rural concept that combines a warm country style with a modern – innovative design. So that you can find a wide range of guest rooms built from quality wood, lightly decorated, yet accessorized with all necessities to provide a perfectly comfortable experience.

Warm aromas that waft out of the dining room reveal a spectacular culinary sight. Detailed gourmet portions that are served in unique Israeli lavishness, create a fantastic celebration of tastes and scents.

From here you are invited to go out again to the vintage nature, to sniff in the uplifting atmosphere and to be drawn into the bone penetrating holiness of Mezhibuz. A walking distance away, along the dirt roads, you will reach the glorious Kever of the founder of Chassidus, the holy Baal Shem Tov, Zechuso Yagen Aleinu, to daven, to bask in the atmosphere and to be uplifted. An ancient splendor hovers above Mezhibuz. A different spirit that will dwell in your heart forever. A constant fire – Eish Tamid.

Holiness - A high level experience

50 m. of hospitality
And more, happy guests
every year
Service personnel and
hospitality staff

Holiness - A high level experience

50 m. of hospitality complexes
And more, happy guests every year
Service personnel and hospitality staff

Eastern Europe has an abundance of Batei Chaim, Kivrei Tzaddikim, and mass graves of holocaust victims.

As a natural consequence, these sites are neglected due to the ravages of time, and are covered in green foliage in the best case or with thorns, thistles and debris in the more common case.
That is how Rabbi Yisrael Meir Gabbai found these sites, neglected, broken and pain provoking.
You will find them differently. Well kept, renovated and inviting to pour out your heart.
Rabbi Gabbai, who was drawn to Breslov Chassidus in his youth, started visiting many Kivrei Tzaddikim throughout Eretz Yisrael.  When he got attached to this field, he started investigating unknown kevarim in Eretz Yisrael and then in the rest of the world. Many difficulties stood in the way to his discoveries. Communist Ukraine whose gates were locked caused him to take the risk of smuggling in, the hostile Eastern countries caused him to appear in various disguises, and there are a whole host of wondrous stories that are connected to him. The terrible state that he found the kevarim in Eastern Europe pained his heart, and he started devoting himself fully to the restoration and preservation of the Mekomos Hakedoshim, to the benefit of the visitors and as an Iluy Neshama to the Holy people buried there. He established the non-profit organization "Oholei Tzaddikim" whose whole activity is focused on enhancing the respect of the departed Tzaddikim by renovating and creating access to their kevarim to the convenience of the mispallelim.

As he got more involved in this field, Rabbi Gabbai came to the conclusion that the Kevarim where many mispallelim visited, naturally got preserved better than the places where nobody ever set foot. Therefore, the Rabbi saw an important need to set up hosting services for the community nearby the kevarim and in that way to encourage people to come and visit there. The non-profit organization "Oholei Tzaddikim" established pleasant guest-houses that provided food and lodging for the visitors, and indeed the improved convenience and accessibility helped towards preserving and improving the site.
As a part of the service upgrade and extension of activities, the Holiness hotel was established, a hotel that provides a hosting experience on a different standard, side by side with the holy atmosphere that permeates Mezhibuz.
Holiness – where the physical and spiritual meet.

Eastern Europe has an abundance of Batei Chaim, Kivrei Tzaddikim, and mass graves of holocaust victims.

As a natural consequence, these sites are neglected due to the ravages of time, and are covered in green foliage in the best case or with thorns, thistles and debris in the more common case.
That is how Rabbi Yisrael Meir Gabbai found these sites, neglected, broken and pain provoking.
You will find them differently. Well kept, renovated and inviting to pour out your heart.
Rabbi Gabbai, who was drawn to Breslov Chassidus in his youth, started visiting many Kivrei Tzaddikim throughout Eretz Yisrael.  When he got attached to this field, he started investigating unknown kevarim in Eretz Yisrael and then in the rest of the world. Many difficulties stood in the way to his discoveries. Communist Ukraine whose gates were locked caused him to take the risk of smuggling in, the hostile Eastern countries caused him to appear in various disguises, and there are a whole host of wondrous stories that are connected to him. The terrible state that he found the kevarim in Eastern Europe pained his heart, and he started devoting himself fully to the restoration and preservation of the Mekomos Hakedoshim, to the benefit of the visitors and as an Iluy Neshama to the Holy people buried there. He established the non-profit organization "Oholei Tzaddikim" whose whole activity is focused on enhancing the respect of the departed Tzaddikim by renovating and creating access to their kevarim to the convenience of the mispallelim.

As he got more involved in this field, Rabbi Gabbai came to the conclusion that the Kevarim where many mispallelim visited, naturally got preserved better than the places where nobody ever set foot. Therefore, the Rabbi saw an important need to set up hosting services for the community nearby the kevarim and in that way to encourage people to come and visit there. The non-profit organization "Oholei Tzaddikim" established pleasant guest-houses that provided food and lodging for the visitors, and indeed the improved convenience and accessibility helped towards preserving and improving the site.
As a part of the service upgrade and extension of activities, the Holiness hotel was established, a hotel that provides a hosting experience on a different standard, side by side with the holy atmosphere that permeates Mezhibuz.
Holiness – where the physical and spiritual meet.

For more information leave details

or dial 02-9997272

דילוג לתוכן